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Tasmania 塔斯馬尼亞

去澳洲的唯一島省Tasmania 發表paper順便算是渡蜜月5天.
還不錯喔! 看看吧!
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Trip to Vienna Austria Europe

At the beginning of July I went to Vienna for a conference.
Of course, I spent some time on visiting this lovely city and also a tiny town in the countryside.
A lof of historical buildings and palaces were really awesome.
Another thing I have to say is ~~ Hallstatte. If you have chance to visit Austria, please do visit this town and other scenic spots around that town.
It is worth. Extremely beatiful.
Please have a look at my updated photos.
Furthermore, I got married with my lovely Sophia in July as well, but haven’t had a public wedding feast.
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I got engaged with Sophia in mid April 2009.
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已經連續去三年的Merroo 全澳洲集調特會了.
之前都很享受, 但這次的訊息真是解決了我心中長久以來的問題, 之前跟很多聖徒交通過, 但都沒得到我滿意的答案,
這次的特會透過美國弟兄訊息的釋放, 我終於找到我超滿意的答案.
現今的基督教有很多教派, 例如說浸信會, 長老教派, 靈糧堂, 真耶穌教會, 以及別人都稱我們為召會.
但事實上, 在教會面前掛名字是不對的. 我們都應該是一, 因為我們都是在一個主耶穌裡, 一個父, 一個子, 一個靈裡,
在聖經裡面, 你絕對找不到浸信會或是長老會這些名詞,
唯一有的是在不同的城市裡有教會, 每個城市都只有一個教會,
現在的基督徒(包含我之前也是), 有時比非相信者還計較教派.
在台灣, 如果你是基督徒, 然後你遇到另一個基督徒, 很有可能前三句話不離: 你是去哪裡聚會? 或是你是哪個教派的?
難道, 主耶穌有分召會的主耶穌, 浸信會的主耶穌, 靈糧堂的主耶穌嗎?
重點是, 我們相不相信主耶穌, 我們愛不愛祂.
主耶穌只有一個, 祂是一, 我們都是在祂的一個身體裡.
感謝讚美主, 阿利路亞! 我們是一.
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Centre on the Lord

Few days ago, when I was sleeping, I suddenly realised that God’s need is more important than my need, and God’s desire is more important than my desire.

We just need to centre on Him.

Praise the Lord!

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something in August & Queensland

I haven’t been writing my blog for ages, but I think there are not many people viewing my blog, so ~ it should be fine.
What have I done in August & September?
Visited Brisbane and Mackay in Queensland and also went to snowboarding at Perisher Blue.
And, finished my third surgery. Furthermore, I am studying harder than before.
Next time I will post some photos of my third cut!
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Darwin Gospel Trip

Whoops! It was a long way driving. Totally almost 9 day’s driving, 9 ~12 hours per day. The last day I even had an 18 hours driving.
This trip was good! I saw the living environment of Australian aboriginal people. There are heaps aggressive dogs in Darwin as well.
Whether was hot there, but we did enjoy labouring for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please view the photos lo!
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Well, not much time to tell you all details.
The caving trip was ~~awesome!
I also got a second surgery of my finger. My godness, the cut this time is bigger than the first one.
Please view those photos la!
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最近好像有點混. 衝浪也學了啦, 很難.
去了Forster潛水.  是故意去跟鯊魚潛的.
一共兩天潛了五支瓶子. 四支船潛, 一支岸潛.
船潛中間第一支和第二支瓶子休息時, 浪好大, 船不動, 真的暈船.
第一天第一支瓶子其實就有看到鯊魚, 但有點遠.
第一天第三支瓶子岸潛, 就真的有夠近, 轉頭時看到就在我前面兩公尺.
當然還看到很多其他的魚, 鰻, 甚至我看到海龜.
This diving was really cool.
韌帶開刀後也去了一次天然岩場Blue Mountains攀岩,
不過五月中又要開第二次了, 真是討厭(因為第一次沒開好).
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